Thanks for your support. We're sorry to see you go. If there's anything we can help with please let us know at before you request to delete your account.

It's important to note that that if all your trip data is stored locally on your mobile device, you will lose all your ride data upon account deletion. So, if you’d like to save or export your activity data, please do so prior to uninstalling the ESR app.

Remember that on deactivating your ESR account, the following will happen:

  • Your content will no longer be accessible, and you won’t be able to log into the ESR app and website with your credentials
  • You will lose all your ride data including your saved rides
  • Your rankings from LEADERBOARD and your friends and followers will be lost

If you wish to deactivate your ESR account follow these steps:

  1. Tap on the Settings button in the bottom right corner

2. Select Privacy and Privacy and Terms

3. Click on Erase My Account 

4. You will be redirected to a form, fill out and submit the form or contact and we'll handle it for you.